How to Remove Feed from YouTube: Feedless YouTube

So How many times have you gone to YouTube to Search for something just to find yourself binging on YouTube's Recommended videos?

Well, not when you've Feedless YouTube Installed on iPhone or Android for FREE so you can Use YouTube Without Getting Used By It AND it Blocks Your YouTube Ads So not a Second of Your time goes to waste!


Think of Feedless YouTube, as a Distraction-Free YouTube Premium that's For Free.

✅ Distraction Free YouTube 🔎

✅ Timed Breaks to Enjoy YouTube Before Your Time is Out ⏱️

✅ No YouTube Ads 🚫

✅ Background Play Videos 🤯

How to Remove Feed from Instagram: Feedless Instagram

Tired of going to Instagram to message a friend or post just to find yourself 10 feet down the Instagram Feed? We got you!

Use a Free app called Feedless Instagram on your Android or iPhone to Remove Your Instagram Feed you can Stay connected, Not Distracted unless you need a timed break before the app kicks you out.


If you'd like to do the same on your YouTube as well, all you got to do is to download the Feedless YouTube available on Android & IOS.

As the world's ONLY mobile news feed eradicator, BeTimeful makes sure your screen time report never goes to the roof. In Summary, here's what BeTimeful does for you:

✅ Removes Your Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin, Facebook.. News Feed 🔥

✅ Hide Any App You Want from Your Phone 🚫

✅ Timed Breaks to Check Your News Feed Before Kicks You Out! ⏰

✅ Available across all your devices 📱💻

All you've to do is to try it for free on Android or iPhone

Now you don't need to know how to deactivate Instagram anymore nor do you need to block Instagram anymore not even need to know how to disable instagram reels. This app is also perfect as a YouTube shorts blocker. To be honest, as a person who has tried every other solution including cold turkey blocker, I can tell you nothing works better than just removing the News Feed of your social media so you can use them without getting used by them as life without social media results in life without social or professional opportunities as the advantages of social media are worthy to keep. 

Stay Connected, Unless You Need a Timed Break

Now just cause BeTimeful hides your News Feed, it doesn't mean you'd never be able to get it back!

Betimeful allows you to take timed breaks of 1, 5, or 15 minutes, so you can catch up with the world before the app gently nudges you to log off.

This feature can be a real boost for how to increase insurance agent productivity, giving professionals controlled time to update socials without losing focus as well as anyone else!

Additionally, Betimeful comes with other handy features like the shorts blocker, which helps you avoid the rabbit hole of short, addictive video content, and how to block mind reading technology, for those who value their mental privacy.

For anyone contemplating a digital detox, it offers tips on how to quit social media. It's also worth exploring if is deleting social media a sign of depression, providing insights into the emotional impacts of social media.

With BeTimeful, you'd no longer have to worry about how to block twitter on iphone either as your Twitter's news feed would be gone as well unless you need it for a timed break. 

By making social media less, addictive BeTimeful makes your instagram addiction go away without your social media going away with it!

News Feed Gone = Dopamine Gone

By removing the news feed from your social media platforms, you essentially detach from the primary dopamine driver that hooks users, making it possible to engage with social media on your terms. This key modification allows you to utilize platforms like Digital Detox Apps to further minimize distractions. Initiating a Social Media Fast can accelerate this process, breaking the cycle of constant notifications and updates that disrupt focus and productivity.

Participating in a digital detox retreat can deeply immerse you in the practices of Digital Minimalism, providing a structured and supportive setting to reduce digital dependency. Understanding the Benefits of Social Media Detox help you reclaim control over your digital interactions to achieve full-on dopamine detox. These steps collectively clear the mental clutter, fostering a life of greater clarity, productivity, and success.

Conclusion: Save Your Time & Mental Health

Navigating the Pros and Cons of Social Media can be tough, especially when you're questioning things like, Should I Delete Social Media? or dealing with Depression Sucks. Betimeful offers a neat solution by hiding your news feed, which helps you stay connected without unnecessary distractions unless you need a timed break. It's perfect if you're feeling like you need to Unplug from Social Media or if you're wondering, "Have I fallen out of love or am I depressed?" By limiting distractions, Betimeful can also help you consider whether Is Deleting Social Media a Sign of Depression? With timed breaks, it ensures that you engage with social media healthily and productively.

Now that you've saved yourself the question of should i delete Instagram check out the productive apps instead of social media to use to take your productivity to the next level!


  1. Your Instagram Feed Tells about you - Washington Post.