If you're one of the many people who got hooked on the DFTube browser extension for removing the addictive news feed from YouTube, you'll be thrilled to hear the news - DFTube is now available as a mobile app for iPhone and Android! When DFTube first launched for desktop, it took the internet by storm. People were raving about how much more focused and productive they felt without the endless scrolling and distracting recommendations on YouTube.

DF Tube

As The Verge reported, "DFTube is a new browser extension that strips out many of YouTube's most engrossing and distracting features." But there was one major downside - we still had our phones to contend with. Let's face it, most of us spend way more time watching YouTube videos on our phones than on our computers these days. So even if you had eliminated the YouTube rabbit hole on your desktop, you were still getting sucked into those endless recommendation feeds on your mobile device. Not anymore! With the new DFTube app, you can finally enjoy a completely feed-free YouTube experience on your smartphone or tablet. Just open the app, search for the video you want to watch, and that's it - no more recommendations, no more endless scrolling, no more wasted hours. But DFTube isn't just for YouTube anymore.

DF Tube for iPhone and Android is Here!

The team at BeTimeFul realized that pretty much every major social media platform is designed to be addictive with infinite feeds. 

As The Wall Street Journal reported, "Infinite scrolling is one of the most powerful psychological tools in the tech industry's arsenal. "So they made DFTube into an all-in-one feed removal solution that works across YouTube, Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, and more!

That's right, you can now use DFTube to strip away all those distracting news feeds and recommendations from every major time-wasting app. Just open DFTube, navigate to the platform you want to use in a focused way, and enjoy a completely feed-free experience. And the best part? DFTube for mobile is completely free with no ads or subscriptions required. BeTimeFul's mission is to help people become more intentional about how they spend their time online, and they don't believe in putting that behind a paywall. 


So what are you waiting for? Give it a try to let us know how it went!