Have you ever found yourself mindlessly scrolling through Instagram, only to realize you've wasted hours you can't get back? Now you may be asking yourself "How can I block Instagram on my phone?". Here's the best part, in this blog, I'm not only going to show you how to disable Instagram but also how to disable the News Feed of Instagram so your stay connected, just not distracted!

Also, if you were thinking you're alone, you're not! as 40% of U.S. are thinking of disabling Instagram. 

How to Disable Instagram on iPhone and Android

  1. Go to Account Profile menu > Settings and privacy.

    The Profile menu in the Instagram app, with the Settings and privacy button highlighted
  2. Open Accounts Center > Personal details.

    The Settings and privacy menu on the Instagram app, with the Accounts Centre button highlighted
  3. Select Account ownership and control > Deactivation or deletion.

    The Personal details and Account ownership and control options in the Instagram app
  4. Select the account you want to remove, choose Delete account, and tap Continue.

    the Deactivation or deletion menu in the Instagram app, with the Delete account option selected.
  5. Select a reason for leaving and tap Continue.

    Screenshot of Instagram app showing potential reasons the user wants to delete their account

How to Disable Instagram Feed on iPhone and Android

  1. Install BeTimeful App on IOS or Android for Free
  2. Choose Go Feedless Instagram
  3. Voila! Now you can Stay connected, just not distracted Unless You need a timed break!undefined

Can you disable Instagram?

Yes, you can How to Disable Instagram by either temporarily deactivating or permanently deleting your account. For a less drastic step, consider using BeTimeful to simply hide your news feed or how to disable reels on Instagram to reduce distractions without losing access to your account.

How can I get my Instagram back after being disabled?

If your account was disabled by you or Instagram for any reason, you can usually recover it by following the reactivation steps provided through the Instagram app or website. If you previously chose to How to Deactivate Instagram, simply log back in to reactivate your profile. For those managing multiple social platforms, similar steps apply in Snapchat deactivating, or if you need to Deactivate Linkedin; you can reactivate by logging in again.


While you can disable Instagram, it's always better to disable the News Feed of Instagram so you use Instagram without getting used by it. Otherwise, chances are you'll enable it back sooner than you disabled it.