Google Chrome Extension That Steals Credit Card Details

Google chrome extension steals credit card

A malicious Google Chrome extension has been discovered that has the capability to detect and steal credit card details when a user enters them into a web form. It is the creation of a cyber-criminal group and has been the focus of malware distribution campaigns in the past. The extension is still available in the Play Store and is likely to be used in future campaigns to infect new users. The extension has already been downloaded by around 400 people, according to ElevenPaths researchers.

The extension allows you to take screenshots and edit them. It can also add screenshots to OneNote or the clipboard. Once downloaded, the extension is free for use on any web browser. Another extension that you might want to consider installing is Fireshot. This application adds a calendar icon to the toolbar, allowing you to access it easily and view your calendar. It stores the screenshots locally and does not use up your browser's tab space.

Another helpful Google Chrome extension is BeTimeful, which makes your social media less addictive so your can stay focused



  1. Hides Your News Feed of You Instagram, YouTube, Linkedin 🔥
  2. Hide Any Apps From Your Phone 📱
  3. Take Timed Breaks Before Your Time is Out ⏱
  4. Available Across All Your devices 📱💻

So try out BeTimeful for Free!

Despite the fact that this extension is free, it still has the potential to make your information vulnerable. You can use the SiteJabber Google Chrome extension to see the opinion of other people who have had similar experiences. Using this extension will let you know whether a website is legitimate or not and whether it's a potential target for malware or phishing. If you don't want to risk your credit card information, install SiteJabber.

Check out top safari extensions to boost your productivity game!

Looking to remove feed on your Instagram or YouTube? Checkout how to remove Instagram Feed or how to remove YouTube shorts.